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How to Improve Your Reading Skills to Get a Higher SAT English Score

By Laura Whitmore

If SAT reading feels like your Achilles' heel, you're not alone. Many students struggle with understanding passages and making the right choices. Here, you'll find practical tips and tricks to help you improve your reading skills and boost your SAT score. Discover how to effectively tackle SAT reading passages with strategies like reading questions first, identifying key transition words, and more!

To see these tips in action with different practice questions, watch our YouTube video.

Always start by reading the question before diving into the passage. This approach helps you understand what the question is asking and allows you to focus on finding the specific information you need.

For questions about the main idea or specific details, read the passage once over casually. Don't stress about every single detail; instead, get a general sense of the passage's overall message.

These comparisons are common in SAT reading passages, especially in science-related texts. Identifying these shifts can help you understand the passage better and answer related questions accurately.

Transition words such as "however," "nevertheless," "thus," and "therefore" are crucial. They indicate changes in the argument or important points, so make sure to note them as you read.

Inference questions require a deeper understanding of the passage. Read these sections more thoroughly and consider annotating to keep track of key points. This will help you draw accurate conclusions and find the right answers.

The process of elimination is one of the most effective strategies. Look for three wrong answers to narrow down your choices to the correct one. This method reduces the risk of falling for trap answers.

Stick to the information provided in the passage. If the answer choice includes information not mentioned in the text, it’s likely incorrect. Trust the text and your understanding of it.

If you're looking for more comprehensive preparation, our self-paced digital SAT English course is a great option. It provides in-depth lessons and practice materials to help you ace the SAT.

Improving your SAT reading score is achievable with the right strategies and consistent practice. Start implementing these tips today, and you'll see progress in no time.

Happy prepping!
