Our SAT Services
How We Can Help You Raise Your SAT Score
1:1 SAT Prep
We believe in the power of personalized learning. By meticulously analyzing each student's past test performance, we pinpoint their specific strengths and areas for improvement. Our unique approach involves designing a tailor-made plan for each student, aimed at harnessing their full potential and achieving their highest possible score.
After a minimum of 3 months, an overwhelming 94% of our students boost their scores by 100-350 points!
SAT Classes
Experience focused learning in our intimate small group classes where the emphasis is on mastering powerful test-taking strategies and reinforcing essential concepts. This is a great option for students who want to learn strategies for all sections of the test and are just starting out.
Our popular 5 week, 18-hour test prep course is currently being offered for both in-person and remote students. Spots are limited.
1:1 ACT Prep
We encourage all of our students to also try an ACT and perform a quantitative analysis on baseline scores before choosing the test that is right for them. Our ACT tutoring approach mirrors our SAT approach, as we strategize for the highest superscore composite and teach our students test-taking strategies that compliment this particular test.