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Cram Smart: The Big 3 Questions You Need to Know for the Digital SAT English

By Laura Whitmore

Did you know that three types of questions in the Digital SAT English modules contribute to a whopping 65% of the exam's points? Time is a critical factor when preparing for the SAT. Focusing on these key question types can drastically improve your efficiency and SAT scores.

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1. Transition Questions

Transition questions, which you'll typically find starting from question number 20, are pivotal in connecting ideas in the text. Understanding these can significantly enhance reading comprehension. The categories are:

  • Support Transitions: These include words like 'also', 'moreover', and 'likewise', which add information or continue a line of thought.

  • Contrast Transitions: Words such as 'however', 'nevertheless', and 'on the other hand', indicate a shift or contrast in the idea.

  • Causation Transitions: These transitions, like 'therefore', 'thus', and 'consequently', suggest a cause-and-effect relationship.

  • Reinforcers: These transitions reiterate or clarify a previous point, often seen in words like 'in fact' and 'indeed'.

2. Standard English Convention Questions

Landing in the middle of the modules, these questions are foundational, covering essential grammar and punctuation. Key areas to focus on include:

  • Punctuation Rules: Understanding the correct use of commas, semicolons, and other punctuation marks.

  • Comma Placements: Knowing where to correctly place commas can change the meaning of a sentence.

  • Subject-Verb Agreements: Ensuring the subject and verb in a sentence agree in number and tense.

3. Words in Context Questions

Words in Context questions appear at the beginning of the modules and test the ability to understand vocabulary in its actual usage. Strategies to tackle these include:

  • Identifying the Tone: Determining whether the context requires a positive or negative connotation.

  • Understanding Word Roots: Familiarity with Greek and Latin roots can help in deciphering the meanings of unfamiliar words.

  • Looking for Synonyms in the Text: Often, the text itself provides clues or synonyms that can help deduce the meaning of the targeted word.

Empowering Students and Parents Alike

Parents, your role in your child's SAT prep is invaluable. Encouraging your child to focus on these key areas and providing them with the right resources can make a significant difference. A resource like our Self-Paced Digital SAT English Course can be particularly beneficial for in-depth understanding and practice.

Happy prepping!
