1-on-1 SAT
Work with one of our dedicated 1500+ scoring tutors individually for learning customized just for you!
If you are a student who already has the basics down with an SAT class and wants to further hone your skills.
If you are a student with a lop-sided score or have specific, key areas you need to work on.
If you are a student who prefers the high-touch engagement that private tutoring offers.
When Is 1:1 Tutoring the Right Fit for You?
What are Some of the Most Impactful Benefits of 1:1 Tutoring with Us?
✔️ Weekly, personalized sessions to suit you.
✔️ A customized prep plan to maximize your score.
✔️ Test-taking strategies that actually work.
✔️ Your own personal tutor who scored 1500+ on the SAT.
✔️ Help outside of sessions via text or email.
✔️ Access to exclusive high-quality resources
✔️ Summary emails sent to parents after each session.
✔️ Help with study skills and time management.